Monday, October 17, 2011

Migraines, trying to undertand them.

If you are a family member, friend, client, church member, or a person that knows anything about me you probably know by now that I have Migraines. Yes, I capitalize Migraines because they have become to be of importance in my life. I've tried what I feel is about a zillion different things to make them "go away"...specialists, medications, foods, reflexology, read books, ect... If it wasn't for my husband I'm not sure where I would be. Migraines just kind of "happened" to me. If you have them maybe you understand what I mean. I can go back to a car accident where I feel they started, but I was also pregnant at the same time, so the doctors really can't pin point why or how....or when they will stop. For the last two years I sometimes feel as though I'm trapped inside my Migraine. How bad it becomes is a pathway of how my day, week will be. Most people do not understand this, and honestly if I didn't have them I probably wouldn't either. I've fallen in love with photography for many of them is that it is very patient with my Migraines. I thank all my clients for their patience with me and all of them have been more than understanding!! Actually I've realized that some of them suffer from Migraines themselves. Craig's best quality is patience and he has been reading a book that I feel truly and FINALLY makes Migraines more understanding not just to the patient but to everyone. It is called, "The Migraine Brain"

I've started reading several Migraine books and just felt like they were talking down to me, but this book is different. Carolyn Bernstein, M.D.  (who suffers Migraines herself) is right along with you and actually says some of the exact same things I have said to Craig. It's Awesome to not feel so alone. I'm writing all of this in my blog because it's important for me that if any of my clients or friends or just any one out there that has some one in their family suffering from Migraines is reading this, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I totally recommend this book!!! And to my Mom, Mother-in-Love, and My Sweet Husband who has never judged me for having Migraines, and having to cancel plans at the last minute, and for taking care of the girls when I needed you to....Thank you!!! I love you so much!!!